
Discover our autumnal health tips for the whole family

Those long, warm summer days are feeling more and more like a distant memory as we dust off the coasts and settle into autumn. The stresses and strains of busy family lifes can creep in all too quickly as the usual daily routine ramps up again. Now, more than ever, it's important to keep in good shape so we have the energy for the winter ahead. Here are a few tips to keep your whole family in good shape and protect your immunity this season:

1. Wash your hands

Almost too obvious to include, but too important to ignore!

This is still the best way to keep away nasty viruses and stop spreading germs.

2. Open the windows at home to refresh the air

Pollution comes from the inside! Opening your windows for just 10 minutes a day will totally renew the air in your house and keep the bugs away.

3. Take some vitamins

During winter Vitamin C plays a key role in our body and stops us from catching colds. Remember Vitamin C is found in many vegetables and fruit like orange and kiwi. If you aim for 10 portions of fruit and veg every day, you will easily meet the recommended 5.

4. Don't overheat your home

Too much heat can slow down your circulation, give you headaches and making sleeping at night more difficult. It's better (and cheaper) to watch the thermostat and keep it low. If the family starts to get cold, have jumpers, blankets and slippers readily available around your house.

5. Select your cleaning products carefully

To avoid the spread of colds and germs, use Antibacterial cleaning products once a week for cleaning floors and surfaces.

6. Enjoy day light as much as possible

Days will gradually shorten between September and December so grab it while you can! Day light doesn't just boost your morale, it also does wonder for our immunity, so whenever you have the opportunity ditch the car and take a stroll instead. As an alternative, taking some Vitamin D supplements can help during the darker months.

7. Take your Milton Antibacterial Hand Gel everywhere you go!

80% of germs are transmitted via hands so using an antibacterial hand gel is an easy way to stop germs from spreading.

Stay healthy and happy this autumn!