
Spring Cleaning Sorted

Our top 10 tips :


Spring has sprung and the time is right for a clean and tidy around the home. Here are a few tips to get it done quickly so you can go outdoors and enjoy the Spring weather:


1.      Antibacterial Surface Wipes are handy to clean and disinfect all surfaces in the home when you are in a hurry. This can include the toilets, fridge, microwave, high chair and work tops. It’s also a great way to get rid of dust on furniture as well!

2.      Did you know that 59% of food poisoning cases originate from family meals prepared in your own kitchen?  Check that your fridge temperature is kept at 4°C. Bacteria start developing from temperatures above 4°C and this can impact on your fresh food without you realising it.

3.      Don’t wait to clean up your dishes; put them in the dishwasher as you use them, rather than letting dirty dishes with scraps of food hang around work tops.

4.      Dry well your sponges and towels after use. This is more hygienic because bacteria love growing in a warm and humid environment

5.      Open the windows and let the fresh air in. It is proven that the air is more polluted inside than outside.

6.      Clean up and disinfect your fridge before going food shopping! A quick spray and wipe while the fridge is almost empty only takes 2 minutes and can protect you and your family from nasty bacterial build ups.

7.      Keep a nice looking basket in your living-room. If you need to tidy up your home in an instant, you can throw everything in and sort it later.

8.      Watch the state of your fruit and vegetables, ensure you throw away the ones starting to rot because they will start damaging the rest.

9.      Now is a great time to have a toy clear out. If your babies have grown out of some of their plastic toys why not give them a clean and take them to a local charity shop or hospital.

10.  Finally, if you are a perfectionist, make sure that you have Milton Sterilising Fluid in your home and check out our 100 uses section! You will find many ways to make your home the clean in an instant!